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Geometric Cosmology: The Study of Universal Shape and Pattern
A profound order pervades the universe. It stands independent of chaos, space, time and even creation itself. However, it is invisible and exists in a state of potential. Yet its complexities can be captured in a circle and sphere, and revealed through geometry as elegant shapes, patterns and forms.
Geometry is the language of creation. The circle is the master shape and the sphere is the master form. They are gateways to the infinite. They represent the unified field and undifferentiated potential. Geometrically, the space contained in in the circle can be organized into endless shapes, patterns and forms… all perfectly connected with each other and aligned to a higher order.
Each shape in every pattern is itself a fractal that embodies a field of infinite potential. Through the application of division and subtraction each shape can contain an endless number of smaller shapes, all perfectly connected and aligned to a higher order. Alternately, through the application of addition and multiplication each shape can project outwardly towards a perfectly ordered and unending progression.
The mathematical properties inherent in the geometric shapes, are the same fundamentals underlying the self-organizing principles of nature. The most exquisite example of this is the human form, which is the epitome of evolution.
Each shape is a mathematical program, containing numerous properties and processes such as angles and angular relationships, vectors, vertices, radials, meridians, perimeters, parameters, ratios, proportions and root powers, to name a few.
They describe continuous, timeless, universal actions that are otherwise invisible and can only be known to us through geometry. They symbolize how contrasting and diverse elements can be woven into a harmonious whole.
Many universal principles are portrayed, such as assimilation, balance, coherence, equilibrium, fractalization, harmony, interconnectivity, optimization, sustainability, synthesis, symbiosis, symmetry, synergy, transformation, unity, etc.
They provide a means for us to connect to something that is quite profound… while at the same time are grounded in the science of math and geometry. In an ever-changing and chaotic world, it can be comforting to experience something that is permanent, timeless, harmonious and enlightening.
Philosophically, the geometries may be considered as algorithms emanating from the Universal Mind, or visual symphonies scripted by the Grand maestro and architect of the universe.
We are naturally attracted to these geometries because we ourselves are a language of geometric form and contain the same mathematical properties in us. It is the same in all of nature. Each natural form is a diagram of the forces that created it. Each form expresses the most refined, regenerative technology, achieving optimal results with the minimal amount of energy and resources.
Basically, when you look at something, the image you see is not actually the object you are looking at… but rather a simulation of the reflected light in your line of view. These light wave forms pass through the pupils and lens of your eyes, and are projected to the retina located at the rear of each eye.
Each retina has a membrane containing millions of light-sensitive nerve fibres in the form of rods and cones. They respond to the light waves by pulsating and generating neural electrical impulses that travel along the optical nerve to the occipital lobe at the rear of the brain. It is here where the binary code is processed by the brain to simulate what was in your field of vision.
You don’t “see” with your eyes. They merely act as a conduit to direct the reflected light rays (which contain the information from your field-of-vision to the retinas at the back of your eyes. If this concept seems strange, think about the dream state. Everything you experience in your dream state appears real and generally indistinguishable from your waking state…. yet, your physical eyes are closed.
What you “see” in your dream state is manufactured in your mind. Similarly, what you “see” in your awake state is also manufactured in your mind.
The geometries are a great synthesizer of the left and right hemispheres of the brain. The rational, analytical aspects of the patterns are processed through the left hemisphere; while the visual beauty and profound implications are processed through the right. Under the right conditions this can facilitate the process of whole brain consciousness and expanded awareness.
The effect and results will be different for everyone, depending upon a wide range of influences including genetics, cultural and religious conditioning and indoctrination, as well as the degree of focus and attention, intention and the awareness of each person contemplating them. It can range from no effect (or very little) at one end of the spectrum, to a conscious awakening and expanded awareness at the other.
Through conscious awareness we can get a “sense” of these archetypal realms that define states of cosmological order. We can integrate the essence of these realms into our mental and emotional patterns and introduce healthy working systems into our reality. The more we understand universal law the more we can apply the harmony that is apparent in nature as a more powerful force in our own lives.
Images can have a dynamic impact upon the psyche. When we look at something, our mind is influenced (to varying degrees) by the tone with which the object is associated. This can range from pleasant images producing endorphins and negative images producing adrenalin and cortisol.
“Art can heal us, inspire us, and alter our brain chemistry. Scientific research is now able to demonstrate how art affects the brain. Today’s complex brain imaging scans can show us how art changes the physiology of the brain.
Geometric contemplation is a process that can help us to harmonize with the vital forces and to experience an integration of Spirit-Mind-Body in a state of higher consciousness. It can bring about transformations in awareness and help lead us to a state of self-realization.
When we focus on the geometric formations, we simulate them in the occipital lobe and hold them in our consciousness. With every image the mind mentally models the same mathematical processes that were required in the production of them. By consciously engaging with the geometries, we forge neural pathways in our brain that are congruent to natural order. Over time it can open our minds to a more lateral lateral view of the world. The process can help us live our lives more aligned to the natural rhythms and cycles of nature.
We are designed to evolve, and our evolution is directly and intimately tied with the Earth’s. The elemental particles that give substance to our cells come from the Earth. The cells are imbued with our divine consciousness, forming a union of spirit and matter. In this context, we as humans are the progeny of Mother Earth and Father Sky; spiritual beings embodied with the elements of terra firma.
Rudolph Steiner used the term “anthropocosmic human being” to describe the concept that we are a microcosmic reflection of the macrocosm.
As above, so below. As is the atom/so is the universe. As is the human body/so is the cosmic body. As is the human mind/so is the cosmic mind.
“You are not a drop in the ocean but rather the entire ocean in a drop”. Rumi“
We are in the universe and the universe is in us” – Neil deGrasse Tyson