Sacred Geometry Hypothesis by Jonathan Quintin
“Philosophy [nature] is written in that great book which ever is before our eyes -- I mean the universe -- but we cannot understand it if we do not first learn the language and grasp the symbols in which it is written. The book is written in mathematical language, and the symbols are triangles, circles and other geometrical figures, without whose help it is impossible to comprehend a single word of it; without which one wanders in vain through a dark labyrinth. - Galileo
Because our world is constructed from geometric relations like the Golden Ratio or the Fibonacci series, by thinking about geometry often enough you can organize and harmonize your life with the structure of the world. - Buckminster Fuller
Everything that appears solid in the world is actually in a state of vibration. Nature is abuzz with pulses, oscillations, wave motions, rhythms and cycles in a vast spectrum of universal energies—all of which can be defined as vibration and frequency. Frequency can be expressed through number; and number through shape, pattern and form—which is geometry. Geometry is the template through which the grand architect of the universe directs the process of creation.
Sacred Geometry is a term used to describe natural law and universal order. Other terms include:
• geometric cosmology: a natural order that can be described geometrically
• cosmography: the study of universal shape, pattern and form
• ancient geometry: many ancient traditions used this form of geometry
• organic / bio-geometry: the geometry of nature
• archetypal geometry: original design
• quantum geometry: multi-dimensional
• classical geometry: all can be reduced to divisions of the circle and sphere
• philosophical / theosophical geometry: the nature of creation
• universal geometry: pervades the universe
This field of geometry is distinct from “regular” geometry. Regular geometry (Euclidian or secular geometry) is what is taught in our schools. Secular Geometry is quantitative. Sacred Geometry is also quantitative, but is also qualitative and also fractal and multi-dimensional.
Secular geometry follows the premise of a disconnected universe; sacred geometry follows the premise of a connected universe, or unified field.
Sacred geometry is a school of thought. It is the study of universal order. There is no singular organization or authority figure or establishment that oversees it. Rather, it is a movement re-addressing the knowledge that was once known in ancient times.
The ancients understood the importance of living in agreement with nature. For many of them, the relationship included not just the Earth, Sun and Moon, but the stars beyond. Various cultures demonstrated a deep understanding of natural law by building their structures in compliance with these laws.
Temples across the globe were constructed to conform with the laws of harmonic proportion and natural order. These included the Mayan, Inca and Aztec temples of the Americas, the Buddhist temples of Cambodia, the Greek and Roman temples of the Mediterranean, the Gothic cathedrals of Europe and the pyramids of Egypt.
The structures were usually built for religious or spiritual activities including prayer, meditation, sacrifice and worship. Many were built as the earthly dwelling place of god, gods or spirits and others were observatories that gazed out to the heavens. The architectural mastery displayed an awareness and ability that modern construction struggles to match.
In addition to architecture, sacred geometry appeared in many other forms such as medicine wheels, mandalas, religious iconography, Islamic mosaics, knot work patterns and many other modalities that alluded to an intrinsic order.
“We therefore find that the triangles and rectangles herein described, enclose a large majority of the temples and cathedrals of the Greek and Gothic masters, for we have seen that the rectangle of the Egyptian triangle is a perfect generative medium, its ratio of five in width to eight in length 'encouraging impressions of contrast between horizontal and vertical lines' or spaces; and the same practically may be said of the Pythagorean triangle” Samuel Colman, Harmonic Proportion and Form in Nature, Art and Architecture
“The Great Pyramid was a fractal resonator for the entire Earth. It is designed according to the proportions of the cosmic temple, the natural pattern that blends the two fundamental principles of creation. The pyramid has golden ratio, pi, the base of natural logarithms, the precise length of the year and the dimensions of the Earth built into its geometry. It demonstrates.... As John Michell has pointed out in his wonderful little book, City of Revelation, 'Above all, the Great Pyramid is a monument to the art of 'squaring the circle''.― Alison Charlotte Primrose, The Lamb Slain With A Golden Cut: Spiritual Enlightenment and the Golden Mean Revelation
Sacred geometry shows the quality of relatedness between unique and individual differences and demonstrates how diverse elements can be organized into a harmonious whole, while still preserving their individual uniqueness. Everything has an underlying geometric template that links it into the cosmos.
Sacred geometry is both exoteric and esoteric, providing an interface between the seen and unseen, the quantitative and qualitative, the finite and infinite. It symbolizes the relationship of form, movement, space and time. Everything in the world is energy in a continual state of change. The sum total of energy in the universe does not increase or diminish but is continually transformed from one state to another. There is no end, only change. The end of one cycle marks the beginning of another.
From the dance of atoms to spiraling galaxies, every type of growth and motion is governed by the same set of mathematical laws. These laws can be found in the primary shapes and patterns that develop from uniform divisions of the circle and sphere. They contain the same essential mathematical properties displayed by the self-organizing forces that manifest in infinite diversity.
"Nonetheless the universe is divided on exactly these principles as proven by literally thousands of points of circumstantial evidence, including the size, orbital distances, orbital frequencies and other characteristics of planets in our solar system, many characteristics of the sub-atomic dimension such as the fine structure constant, the forms of many plants and the golden mean proportions of the human body, to mention just a few well known examples. However the circumstantial evidence is not that on which we rely, for we have the proof in front of us in the pure mathematical principles of the golden mean.” ― Alison Charlotte Primrose
"The laws of nature and of the universe that govern such diverse extremes as the order of atomic structure, the seven octaves of the periodic table, the elegant arrangement of the atoms in molecules, the mathematics of the proportions of the human body, the order of planets in orbit around their suns and the grand design of galactic star patterns in the heavens, are all of the same substance as the laws of music that play the strings of our hearts". Dr Jeffrey Thompson
The shapes are reflected in nature as natural forms, but with an important distinction. While natural forms are geometrically organized, every form is unique and can only approximate the mathematical principle upon which it is based. Although governed by mathematical rule, natural form always gives way to physical constraints.
Natural forms are determined by the interaction of intrinsic and extrinsic forces. In the case of a plant, for example, the intrinsic forces are governed by the genetic coding that determines the characteristics of that particular plant. The extrinsic forces are those influences that are external to the plant’s biological form. They are largely environmental such as soil content, temperature, humidity, wind, rain, sunshine, etc..
Nature, as a response to the action of force, creates an infinite diversity of forms from a basic inventory of archetypal mathematical principles. The archetypes are the basic pattern-forming processes that, operating within strict limits, create limitless varieties. Natural forms are diagrams of the forces that created them. Each form is a blend of beauty and function, demonstrating how nature develops the most refined, regenerative technology based on a geometric system that uses minimal energy to achieve optimal results - getting more out of less.
The spiral is the most widespread shape in nature and can be found from the microscopic to macrocosmic level. The DNA molecule is structured upon a double helix spiral, as is the Milky Way galaxy. When left alone, energy tends to move, grow and balance as spirals. The spiral simultaneously contains two opposing forces: contraction and expansion. It is the geometric properties of the spiral that allow these two contrary forces to be reconciled into a single form.
Natures geometry helps us understand not only how material form takes shape; but can also lead to an understanding of the more mysterious forces that shape human experience. By understanding nature’s geometric systems and relationships, we can better understand our relationship to self and the world at large.